2016年8月3日 星期三

清海無上師 甘露法語 - [道]


( 圖:高貴的野生 / SMCH著 )

If we cannot get over our pride, our stubbornness and our narrow thinking, we cannot get beyond where we are. It is up to us to check ourselves, to remind us what to do. That is the way it is. That's why the Way is completely ours, very individual, very easy; but very difficult, because we cannot go over ourselves, we cannot go beyond what we think. That's the trouble. So try to be careful on this point, and lift yourself upward.

Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai, N.J. Meditation Center, U.S.A. June 21, 1992
( Photo : The Noble Wilds by SMCH )