為了自己和這個世界,在日常生活中多想想、發揮創意,試著儘量節約使用, 或找尋替代辦法,或徹底不用,以採行更簡單、健康且和善的生活方式。
清海無上師與無上師電視台員工農曆新年視訊會議,美國加州洛杉磯 2014.1.26
Think and be inventive in your daily activities, use, and try to minimize, or replace, or cut out completely what we can to have a more simple, healthy, and gentle way of living for yourself as well as for the world.
Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai, Videoconference With Supreme Master Ching Hai And Supreme Master Television Staff, Los Angeles, California, USA, January 26, 2014